

837 North Dixie Blvd, Radcliff, KY 40160
Salon Hours

Tuesday~Saturday 9AM - 6PM

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I don’t usually mix personal stuff with my business, but I wanted to write this down. Some of you may have read things on google or yelp reviews or on my FB page and wondered. We may have discussed bits and pieces of the story while chatting at the salon, some of you have no clue. I feel it’s time I shared this story because it’s relevant to my business.

In the midst of starting this business I was hit with a devastating personal event. The first week of May 2015 I was wrapping up the last bit of to-do’s before opening the salon when an arrogant unconstitutional sheriff and his deputy violated my rights and my family’s rights, physically assaulted me and terrorized my family. He unlawfully kidnapped me and my children by violating KRS statue and due process. In court he testified under oath that we had not broken any law and that he saw no reason our children shouldn’t return home. But the damage was done. Mistakes were made and careers were at risk, the courts refused to honor the Cabinet of health and family services request to close the case. It wasn’t until the sitting judge retired nearly 4 years later and a new judge took office that our case was allowed to be closed. In all of this, we battled the county government and attracted a group of haters and internet trolls that fixated on working to tear my family down and destroy anything we tried to build.

So what does this have to do with grooming? Well two weeks after the sherrif terrorized my family, I was finally able to open the doors of Blessed Little Grooming Company, LLC. It’s hard enough to start and build a business, but to do it under those circumstances I honestly never thought I’d be here today.

Before my doors even opened I was battling an onslaught of negative reviews from people who had nothing better to do. Not only was I trying to build a business, battle a corrupt government and fight for my children, but I now had another obstacle. It was time consuming. Even with my husband right beside me, it was almost impossible. The two of us against what felt like the whole world. But we weren’t alone, we had amazing support. And because of that I’m able to write this post.

I am an introvert. An extroverted introvert. That means I enjoy taking to people in short bursts. I’m not shy, but I keep to myself. With all of this going on, I often considered just closing up and getting a job where no one knows me, I don’t have a public front, a place where I can hide. They say “go big or go home”, and I’m really cool with just going home. But I love my job. I love my career as a pet groomer. And more importantly, I love my business. Blessed Little Grooming Company, LLC has been such a blessing for me and my family.

Even tho our case is closed, we still have issues to resolve. Some of the haters became too emotionally involved in our lives and their emotional instability caused their interest to become obsession. Their hostility and aggression has become a threat to my family. There have been smear campaigns, defamation, stalking, and even threats of violence. Because of the corruption I exposed and continue to speak out against, law enforcement has refused to help.

I’m writing this today because I want my clients to know that my business is my priority. I’ve worked extra hard to make sure that we can accommodate as many clients as we can while maintaining the care and quality you are accustomed to.

I’m not usually boastful, and to be honest while I appreciate compliments, they do make me uncomfortable. But I also know and acknowledge what I have accomplished over the past 4 years. And I’m proud of myself and my family who helped me build this while dealing with such trials.

I am working to resolve these matters I discussed above. This will mean agitating haters, some who I may have to take to court. This means agitating the local governments who need to be held accountable, and bringing more limelight to myself that I’m not particularly comfortable being in. But I know it has to be done.

So if you happen to see your wild eyed crazy haired dreadlocked groomer on the news, at least now you’ll know why. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask. I don’t mind. Really.

And remember, you and your pets helped me through this. Thank you for that.

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